Introduction To Purescript

The Presto framework is built using functional programming concepts and is written in a language called Purescript.

This is a short guide on the building blocks of purescript and functional programming.


Types are a way of categorizing sets of values. The type Bool is a two element set containing True and False. Purescript has String, Bool, Int, Number etc as primitive types. You can define your own types.

-- Sum Type
data TransactionStatus = SUCCESS | FAILURE

-- Product Type
data Point = Point Number Number


Function is a building block using which you can represent any concept in functional programming. A function is just a mapping of values to values. Let's see some functions :-

addTwo :: Int -> Int
addTwo a = a + 2

This can be read as addTwo function takes an Int and returns an Int.

Finding type of a function

>:t toUpperCase
String -> String

Further Reading

We recommended you complete atleast first five chapters of this book.
Refer this to install and setup purescript.

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