Handling UI Actions

We handle actions from the screen by defining types for expected actions. In our case, the possible actions could be:

  • Adding a Todo item
  • Deleting a Todo item
  • Editing a Todo item
  • Updating a Todo item

And now, if we look at src/Types.purs we can see the types defined for our screen actions:

data MainScreenAction
  = AddTodo String
  | RemoveTodo String
  | EditTodo String
  | UpdateTodo String String

So our screen has to trigger an action with the possible actions we have defined as MainScreenAction. We match the actions in our appFlow in src/Main.purs

appFlow state = do
  action <- runUI (MainScreen state)
  case action of
    AddTodo str -> addTodoFlow str
    RemoveTodo id -> appFlow (MainScreenDeleteTodo id)
    EditTodo id -> appFlow (MainScreenEditTodo id)
    UpdateTodo str id -> updateTodoFlow str id

The case block is where we handle what happens for every action we receive; like for AddTodo we call the addTodoFlow which handles adding a todo item to the screen whereas for RemoveTodo we call the same appFlow with a different constructor that is MainScreenDeleteTodo. These are matched from:

data MainScreen = MainScreen MainScreenState

data MainScreenState
  = MainScreenInit
  | MainScreenAddTodo String String
  | MainScreenDeleteTodo String
  | MainScreenEditTodo String
  | MainScreenUpdateTodo String String
  | MainScreenError String

If we look at app.js, specifically at the handleScreenAction function, we will notice the various constructors we defined as the type, are matched.

const handleScreenAction = (state) => {
  switch (state.tag) {
    case "MainScreenInit": initApp();break;
    case "MainScreenAddTodo":
    case "MainScreenDeleteTodo":
    case "MainScreenEditTodo":
    case "MainScreenUpdateTodo":
    case "MainScreenError":
      console.log('This is the error: ', state.contents)
    default: console.log("Invalid Tag Passed: ", state.tag);

results matching ""

    No results matching ""